Rhinoceros Project Sewing Circles, Exhibitions, Publications, and other Happenings are in gray.
Historical Events significant to Acts 1 & 2: The Rhinoceros & The Map are in blue.
Environmental & Species Events significant to The Rhinoceros Project are in green.
Rhinoceros Project Sewing Circles, Exhibitions, Publications, and other Happenings are in gray.
Historical Events significant to Acts 1 & 2: The Rhinoceros & The Map are in blue.
Environmental & Species Events significant to The Rhinoceros Project are in green.

April 2024 Mexico Tour
Stay tuned for dates and events
Summer 2024 Sitka Center for Art & Ecology papermaking and embroidery workshops
a leaf, a gourd, a shell...
exhibition and events at Dream Farm Commons,
Oakland, CA
Xenoform Labs, San Francisco, CA
Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA
Sitka Center for Art & Ecology Workshops
The Tenochtitlan Map, Sewing Circle, Warner Mountain Weavers, Cedarville, CA
The Tenochtitlan Map, Sewing Circle, San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San Jose, CA
The Tenochtitlan Map, Sewing Circle, Magnolia Editions, Oakland, CA
The Tenochtitlan Map, Sewing Circle, San Francisco Center for the Book, San Francisco, CA
45th Anniversary Exhibition: New Directions, Exhibition, San José Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San José, CA
The Tenochtitlan Map, Sewing Circles and Artist Residency in the Communes di Barisciano, Fontecchio, Acciano, Panfilo di Ocre, and Petogna, in Abruzzo, Italy
Finding Common Ground: Sowing the Seeds of Community and Collaboration, Exhibition, San Francisco Center for the Book, San Francisco, CA
Charting Course, Window Installation and Artist Residency, Larry Spring Museum for Common Sense Physics, Fort Bragg, CA
The Tenochtitlan Map, Sewing Circle, Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, CA
How is Your Rhinoceros Inspiring You? Debut Exhibition of Rhinoceros Embroidery & its first watermark together, Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, CA
Paper Pour and Celebration, Papermaking Happening and curated dinner, Shotwell Paper Mill and San Francisco Center for the Book, San Francisco, CA wherein we poured the first of 6 watermarks using the Rhinoceros Embroidery as a matrix, and created a food experience that followed The Rhinoceros on her travels from India to Rome and in spirit, to Nuremberg.
Eco Echo: Unnatural Selection, Exhibition, Gallery Route One, Point Reyes Station, CA
The Tenochtitlan Map, Sewing Circle at TEXTIM III, Museo de Textil, Oaxaca de Juarez, México
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circles, Pacific Textile Arts, Fort Bragg, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle & Spice Tea, Tula Tea Room, The Museum of Jurassic Technology, Los Angeles, CA
Eco Echo: Art and Environment Laboratory, exhibition of peripheral works and debut of the completely Rhinoceros Embroidery, Cubberley Arts Studios, Palo Alto, CA
Eco Echo: Unnatural Selection, Exhibition, WORKS, San Jose, San José, CA
Hong Kong Print and Zine Fest, Jockey Club Creative Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong, included How the Rhinoceros
The Rhinoceros Project in Two Parts, Sewing Circles, Exhibition, and Artist Residency, Maker Space Gallery, San José Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San José, CA
Sudan, the last male Northern White Rhinoceros, dies in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya, leaving only two remaining infertile females left of the species.
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle & Spice Trade Potluck, Real Time and Space, Oakland, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle, Papermaking Happening, and Spice Trade Potluck, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle, Kitsune Community Studio, Half Moon Bay, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circles and Papermaking Happening, Janet Turner Print Museum, Chico, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle in the Sukkah Studio, Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle, Ruth’s Table, San Francisco, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle, Djerrasi, Woodside, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle and Papermaking Happening, Shotwell Paper Mill, San Francisco, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circles & Papermaking workshops, Salina Art Center & Rolling Hills Zoo, Salina, KN with Jura, the greater one-horned Indian Rhinoceros.
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle, Pacific Textile Arts, Fort Bragg, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle at Sierra Squish, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV
The Rhinoceros Project, Sewing Circle as part of 100 Days of Action, Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA
The Rhinoceros Project, Exhibition, Artist Residency sewing circles & papermaking happenings, Ramon’s Tailor, San Francisco, CA
The Rhinoceros Project launches with a sewing circle at San Francisco Center for the Book’s Roadworks Festival, San Francisco, CA
Death of Suni, the second-to-last male Northern White Rhinoceros, leaving only six remaining members of the species.
The Rhinoceros Project conversations begin sparked by a facebook post alluding to Durer and a 4 year old child’s drawing of a rhinoceros. What kind of project can begin to shift value systems, can dissect the schism between perceptions of strength and resilience and actualities of vulnerability.
Extinction of the Western Black Rhinoceros
Cortes’s letters to the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, are published in Nuremberg and include The Tenochtitlan Map, printed by Friedrich Peypus, and attributed to Albrecht Durer.
Fall of Tenochtitlan to an allegiance of Spanish Conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes and indigenous allies.
Ganda is to join Pope Leo’s menagerie in Rome, and dies in a shipwreck off the coast of Liguria.
Albrecht Durer, in Nuremberg publishes The Rhinoceros wood engraving based on a written description and a sketch, as a souvenir to document the historic arrival of Ganda in Europe - the first rhinoceros since Roman times.
Arriving in Lisbon, Ganda is pitted against a young elephant in a famous duel to test Pliny’s assertion in his Natural History that the rhinoceros and the elephant are mortal enemies. The elephant runs away before the duel begins.
Ganda sails to Lisbon with Ocem, her handler, to join King Manuel I’s menagerie.
Alfonse de Albuquerque sends a diplomatic mission to Gujurat to negotiate with Sultan Muzaffar Shah II further Portuguese expansion north from Goa. The mission is unsuccessful, but returns with The Rhinoceros Ganda as a gift.
Vasco da Gama successfully navigates the sea-faring route to India, opening a direct line of trade between Europe and the east, and beginning the Portuguese colonization of India
~5 million years ago
Rhinoceros extinction in North America